The Soulskin Wheel is a 9 month initiatory journey occurring annually from Autumn to Summer, for those who have previously participated in the Soulskin Circle.
This 9 month initiatory journey is for those who are feeling a deep call to cross a larger threshold in life. This rite of passage is for you who are ready to surrender to the mysterious alchemy that will unveil the dreams yearning to be lived through you, so you can emerge as the whole, full expression of yourself, a generative gift to the world being reimagined.
As a rite of initiation, this is a ceremonial descent to the underworld, in which we sever from our conditioned way of being in and of the world, uncover the wisdom of soul, and recover the gift that is ours to offer the world. The journey is a liberation from the unconscious prison of the overculture, so we may return to True Home. We unravel the binds that keep us in a too small, misfit story on the topside world, separate from our essence. It is a shedding of the oppressive conditions that dry us out and disconnect us from our true medicine and power, individually and collectively. In this journey we surrender to the fertile darkness where we are available to hear the song dreamt into us at creation, so we may grow from that source, returning to the topside world ever anchored and animated from this true essence. Thus, this is a radical remembrance: A rooted recall of who you have always been, which is YOU…nothing and no one else. When we are re-membered in this way, we remember our true belonging to ourselves, our human and more-than-human ecological kin, and we contribute to a vital weaving of a thriving world that is wildly diverse, healthy, interdependent, resilient, visionary, and whole.
Journey through the Wheel
Ripening & Preparation:
The call to such an initiatory journey is one that is undeniable when the old names, labels, roles and ways of be-ing are too small and suffocating your soul. This is the time you enter the cocoon as a crucible of transformation. During this phase of the passage there are preparations that cultivate your wholeness, and ripening practices that orient you towards the mystery of such alchemy. During this phase, we listen for the call and tend to this foundational step into the Wheel.
Introductory Daylong: Join us on the land for an introduction to, and ripening for, the Wheel. This is open to all who are sincerely interested in exploring if this is the time for your journey. The intention of this day is to hear what is calling you, map out the wheel in more detail, answer questions, and begin the kindling of this powerful initiatory passage!
Daylong on the land together + 4 virtual meetings for ripening practices, prompts, and discussions.
Fall: Severance
In the spirit of Fall, we begin by letting go. During this phase, we step away from everything fixed in our understanding as true and even unmovable, except what is essential and that is soul- the seed of our true nature and the essence animating all of nature. When we loosen ourselves from the roles, identities, and ways of being we have relied on for our foundation of reality and our world view, everything comes into question. We may come undone to be done by the underworld. In this domain, we dismember and surrender our ego that is bound to middle world striving, so that a new role for the ego as an agent of soul may emerge. In this passage we enact ceremonies to release that which stands as a barrier to the underworld. We proclaim to Mystery how we are willing to do what it takes to step into the vast unknown and continue to slay the illusions and false borders that prevent us from this fertile descent. Here we risk all the little deaths it takes to travel deeper into the mysterious underground forest to reach the heart of the world and the seed of soul.
Daylong Severance Circle, Date TBA
Daylong Severance Ceremonies, Date TBA
one on one session with Yasmin
personal soul tasks
Winter: Resourcing the Dissolution
In the spirit of Winter, we will be diving in and tending our inner resources, so we are robustly prepared to cross our threshold into liminal time, and the further dissolutions as we descend further into the trustworthy unknown. We will also be working intimately with holy, mysterious guidance to co-create our authentic vigils.
Resourcing Daylong, Date TBA
Resourcing Virtual Meeting, Date TBA
Resourcing Daylong, Date TBA
Resourcing Daylong, Date TBA
1 one on one session with Yasmin
personal soul tasks
Spring: The Descent into Threshold Vigil
In the spirit of Spring, you enter your re-membering rite of rebirth and enact your co-created, authentic vigil ceremony. During this time we make ourselves humble and available for being dreamt by the earth, and be in conversation with the sacred. During 5 days and nights we immerse in the wild, inhabit medial threshold time, and hold vigil over our lives and entanglement in this great web of life. Each will go out in solitude to feed, and be fed by, a particular space that has claimed us and mirrors our true place in the wild web of life. This vigil is a period of liminal wakefulness, prayer, and devotional observance to the vision or truths that have been alive in you since before time, but you are now available to receive. In this way, each of us open to being re-membered, reborn, and fully available to our true and rightful names, receptive to the gift that is ours to carry back to the world.
The Descent Daylong, Date TBA
Vigil Preparation check in Virtual, Date TBA
Vigil Preparation daylong, Date TBA
Date TBA: 5 days on the land together, 3 of which are in solitude vigil and 2 in ceremony with our community
1 one on one session with Yasmin
personal soul tasks
Late Spring: Metamorphosis Integration + Incorporation
As the spring birth-time unfurls towards summer, we enter the most important stage, the return. Here we apprentice to our visions and commit to the metamorphosis taking place within all aspects of our be-ing. We will take actions to carry our visions back to the world. In this time of integration, we take care to return ourselves fully from our threshold time. “Incorporation” consists of the root “corp”, which means “body”, and thus incorporation is an act of returning fully to body. It is defined as “uniting or working into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole; to blend or combine thoroughly; to give material form to; to unite in or as one body”. In this time we focus on this process.
Incorporation Virtual Check In, Date TBA
Integration Daylong, Date TBA
Ceremony Prep and Check in virtually, Dates TBA
Summer: Embodiment
We were given a body and ego, and this is the earthly vehicle which nature bestowed upon us to carry our visions. This is the time for our resourced egos to become agents for soul. We have been gifted our particular visions, and a gift is also a responsibility to offer it to the world. Here we prepare a ceremony to enact our commitment to embody our metamorphosized selves as our giveaway so that the good of all life may be served bountifully through ourselves rooted into soul, and our medicinal place in the web of life .
Closing Ceremonies + Celebration, Date TBA
1 one on one session with Yasmin
personal soul tasks
Wheel Weavers: Enactment
The courting of your medicine and active, ongoing apprenticeship to enacting your gift is an imperative task with gravitas, we will support you in cultivating your giveaway to this world through monthly meetings offered hereafter with the Wheel Weavers community. These gatherings focus on further integration your metamorphosis, apprenticing to your medicine, and developing the delivery systems of your soul gifts. Yasmin is also available for 1:1 mentoring as desired.
In the Soulskin Wheel, you receive:
11 Daylongs
5 day/4 night vigil camping on the land
8 virtual meetings
4 one on one sessions with Yasmin + personalized soul tasks
Community Care: Opportunities for generative care through connection, support, nourishment, creativity, play, etc. within the larger Wheel Community.
Reintegration meals (dinner, breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks) after the vigil + a closing celebration at the end of the Wheel
Support and accountability partners throughout the 9 months so you can check in and support one another with the material and support one another on soul wanders + soul tasks
An active and private forum where we post resources, share experiences, ask questions about the material, connect, be reminded of meetings, etc.
The Wheel is offered at 3 investment tiers $3100 - $4000 - $4900. Thank you for thoughtfully considering the financial reciprocity level you can contribute to generously, while honoring your capacity and needs. Upper tier contributions support the accessibility of this program for those in need of financial assistance.
Scholarships and Payment Plans: Connect with Yasmin for a conversation about what your needs are and how this program can be accessible for you while also meeting your capacity to generously contribute.
Donations: Part of your investment in a Soulskin Journey is offered to indigenous communities and organizations including Native American Rights Fund (NARF protects Native American rights, resources, and lifeways through litigation, legal advocacy, and legal expertise), Harvest of All First Nations (Indigenous-led reparations, rematriation, & Earth-based decolonization for the benefit of BIPOC peoples for cultural enrichment & health equity), Arapaho Cheyenne Language & Culture Camp, and Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women USA. Additionally, we contribute to any fundraisers or emergent requests from our indigenous communities. We recognize that nature-based work is not neutral on stolen land. We continue to strive towards decolonialism and work towards right relationship with the indigenous peoples whose traditional territories we occupy, which include land back efforts and more. Head to our “This Land” page to learn more.
If this is resonant with your soul, kindles your curiosity, or moves you to learn more, please contact me. Should you already know this is for you and you are ready to commit, please let us know ASAP. This will only be available to a circle of 8, and is expected to fill quickly, so once we are filled we will hold a wait list until we officially begin.
“The Soulskin Wheel is a journey like no other rite of passage. While other programs may set you out in the wilderness with days or maybe even weeks of preparation, the months of preparation on the Wheel - tending to soul tasks, connection with self, council, deep relationship with nature and an incredible support system of guides - is a school of the soul. It is training in how to be deeply, unabashedly and soulfully oneself. The learnings continue long beyond the meetings, councils, wanders and retreats. It is an education for life. -KTR 2018/19 participant”