Circatidal Soulskin Journey

Circatidal Soulskin Journey

You are invited to join the Circatidal Soulskin Journeys. Together we will travel the transformative tides radically shapeshifting us and our world. We will gather remotely twice monthly, under New and Full Moons that create the greatest range of high and low tides called “Spring Tides”. Our collective connection that coincides with the dramatic dance of these tides of maximal amplitudes occurs when Sun, Moon and Earth align, complimentarily uniting to gravitationally reinforce each other. During these extreme ebb and flood tides, we are both gravitationally called to deeply immerse in the flowing depths, and to generously expose the gifts that had been hidden below the surface.

During the Spring Tides on New Moon Conjunctions, when the Sun and Moon are aligned on the same side of Earth and a new cycle begins, we will descend through a variety of thematic thresholds that invite submersion into ways of connecting/communing/communicating with the mythic, imaginal, dreaming depths.

During the Spring Tides on Full Moon Oppositions, when Sun and Moon are aligned in polarity on either side of Earth, we will emerge from our intertidal wanders to bring to the surface visionary offerings and creative conjurings received from our communion with the wild and sacred encounters we engaged.

Through our tidal travels betwixt and between our moon gatherings, we will engage the genius of our innate medial nature to enact the practices we are collectively calling, courting and cultivating such as myth, story, truth telling, grief tending, dreamweaving, deep imagination, wild wanders, beyond human conversation, ritual + ceremony, creative artistry, writing and poetry, and more.

Your own unique circatidal rhythms will find their resonant harmony with the ebb and flood tides of your days and nights as you dance between worlds in this fertile territory of transformation. Rhythmically wandering with paradoxical fluency into liminal terrain, you will weave interconnected realms below and above, water and land, dark and light, invisible and exposed, yin and yang, resting and action, receiving and creating, retreating and communing…participating in the greater cycles of life, death, and rebirth within your own being and the world being reimagined.

For the Circatidal Curious, you are invited to join us for a free introductory call. On this call you will learn more about the Circatidal Soulskin Journey. During our meeting, you will be invited into the liminal intertidal zone to sense into the mystery of this threshold terrain, and tap into your medial, shapeshifting capacities that are courting your apprenticeship as guide through these transformative times.

We will:

  • Introduce intertidal territory and circatidal rhythms (myth + matter)

  • Participate in a mythic wander invoking our wild imagination to reciprocally feed and be fed by this liminal space of transformation.

  • Review the rhythm and content of the Circatidal Soulskin Journey

  • Q&A

The Shape and Rhythm of the Circlatidal Soulskin Journey

Fire Moon - Curing the Cauldron of Alchemy

New Moon

  • Opening + Entering the Circatidal Soulskin Journey Vessel Cured by Mother Culture

  • Shapeshifter Myths and Guides

Full Moon

  • Beholding our Shapeshifters + Soulskins

Water Moon - Erosion: Collapse, Grief and Sacred Sacrifice

New Moon

    • Bearing witness to theft + loss / Midwifing death + decay

    • Rituals of Serial Severances

Full Moon

  • Singing Over the Bones: Truth Telling from the Tomb Womb

Earth Moon - Conversations Beyond Boundaries + Borders: Wandering in Ceremony with the World

New moon

  • Storied Origins of an Intertidal Vigil

  • Magic and Mystery in the Ordinary

Full Moon

  • Exposing Animate Myth, Mystery, & Medicine

Air Moon - Being Dreamt: Becoming the Dream of Earth, Ancestors, and Futures

New Moon

  • Myths + Makers of Dreams

  • Dream Tracking + Tending

Full Moon

  • Weaving Constellations of Collective Dreaming

Emergent Moon - The Current of Center: Channeling Creation + the Artistry of Giveaway

New Moon

  • Feasting Mother Culture

  • Emergent Creativity

Full Moon

  • Baking and Breaking the Beautiful Bread of Mother Culture’s Creation with Generosity and Gratitude

  • Closing the cauldron and gifting the nourishment

Spring/Summer Cycle Dates:

Circatidal Call ~ March 9th 9-10:30 PST and March 13 11am-12:30pm PST

Fire New Moon ~ March 29 8-11am PST

Fire Full Moon ~ April 12 8-11am PST

Water New Moon ~ April 27 8-11am PST

Water Full Moon ~ May 12 5-8 pm PST

Earth New moon ~ May 27 5-8 pm PST

Earth Full Moon ~ June 11 5-8 pm PST

Air New Moon ~ June 25 5-8 pm PST

Air Full Moon ~ July 10th 5-8 pm PST

Emergent New Moon ~ July 24 5-8 pm PST

Emergent Full Moon ~ August 9 8-11am PST

= 10 Moon Meetings, 3 hours each on Zoom

-Mighty Networks interactive platform actively engaged by Yasmin with inspiring soul infusions of poetry, artwork, resources, stories, additional invitations, and interaction with your own inquiries and shares.

-Optional Partner in the group for accountability, sharing and reflection

-FUTURE- Optional Affinity Group Circles hosted by a trusted Soulskin Tender (additional donation requested)

-Optional 1:1 Soulskin Session with Yasmin ($80-$130/hour)

$ TBD - approx 400 first round