Private Soulskin Journeys
Work with Yasmin as soul guide to co-create your own personalized Soulskin Journey either 1:1 or with your community. As a soul guide, I will meet you and/or your community in whatever cycle you dwell in your life journey to support your crossing the thresholds beckoning you into your larger, soul-led life of belonging.
Yasmin can privately offer the Soulskin Circle, Wheel, Story Circle, or Dreamwork. Contact me to schedule a consultation to explore taking this journey together.
Story Circle
A Book Circle with ”Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype” by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
“Within every woman there lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species. In Women Who Run With the Wolves, Dr. Estés unfolds rich intercultural myths, fairy tales, and stories, many from her own family, in order to help women reconnect with the fierce, healthy, visionary attributes of this instinctual nature. Through the stories and commentaries in this remarkable book, we retrieve, examine, love, and understand the Wild Woman and hold her against our deep psyches as one who is both magic and medicine.”
Together we will utilize this book to investigate our wild nature and explore how to incorporate this necessary wisdom into our own lives. We will read this book cover to cover, meeting monthly, to explore how our psyche has been stirred, and to excavate further what medicines are arising from the depths of soul. We will engage in council, dreamwork, deep imagination, art, movement, journaling, and more.
We ask those who apply to consider the long term commitment and also to ensure you are well resourced for the soulful exploration that can be emotional and altering, so while our circle may be therapeutic, it is not therapy and we will like to know that you have additional support outside our circle should you need.
*Yasmin is trained by Dr. Estés at her “Archetypal and Cross-Cultural Studies Institute” facilitator educational training intensives and has permission to teach “Women Who Run With the Wolves”.
Dreaming Well
An opportunity to dream tend the wild and mysterious messages arising from your night visions, so you may harvest the wisdom and guidance the dreammaker is offering you to carry into your life as gifts to the world.
The dreammaker generously offers us gifts of night visions, and it is for us to court and honor the mythic messages, so they may deepen our everyday lives. By turning our attention to the vast mystery below the surface of our daily conscious, we can apprentice to the wise guidance of our dreams that offer profound wisdom for us to carry as gifts to the world. In the wilderness of the dreamworld, we are offered soul encounters and revelations that are trustworthy guides in a soul-rooted life.
In sharing the dreamtime with me, we enter into conversation with the dreammaker and bring our attention to the impeccable messages communicated in the soulful language of image, metaphor, symbol, themes, emotions, and more. Dreams offer insight to each of us uniquely, and engage intimately in relationship with the dreamer, thus I do not offer “interpretations”, nor do I give general prescriptions of symbology. Your dreams are open dialogues, revealing wisdom layer by layer, thus instead of ascribing a single meaning that closes a door to the animate dream and living messages, we keep the dialogue open. As we gaze into the dreaming well together, we will work collaboratively to journey one or multiple pathways of recalling and unveiling the mystery you have been gifted, and you will leave our session with accessible skills to continue tending the wisdom of your dreams.
“Having Yasmin as my dreamwalking companion has enriched my capacity to reveal hidden gems and realign my deep listening to the wisdom that surfaces in the dreamtime. Our dreamwork has gifted me with soul-rooted, self-discoveries and it has been a joy to have someone to share this intimate inner landscape with. Yasmin has witnessed the poetry of my soul and supported me to gain clarity and learn how to capture these wisdom-whispers and listen to the Dreamer as she reflects back to me in her skilful ways. Yasmin has guided my soul deeper into the journey, building my confidence to enter the Mystery, gather the magic and use my night-vision to inform a life that is more awake, aware and alive with soul purpose. I have been able to hear where my soul longs to wander, uncovering gifts, signs and symbols and recognise where to place my soul prints next. Yasmin has offered me new ways of being with my dreams that are simple, yet profound. These practices allow me the opportunity to spend time with my dreams, even alongside the daily demands of motherhood. I have worked with my dreams for years and yet Yasmin’s guidance has been the most intimate and personal revelations, teaching me how to own and embody what is uniquely mine and remain in relationship to how these dreams reveal more of themselves (and therefore of me) as I give them time and space. ”